Seasonally Scattered Thanks

Here is a Fall Thank You card with a fun little technique that is perfect for the Seasonally Scattered stamp set.

Scattered-thanksTo create the stamped image ink the stamp with the Crushed Curry ink. Then use a sponge dauber and the Pumpkin Pie ink to add color directly around the word.  This leaves you with the outer edges of the stamped image in the Crushed Curry color and the words in the darker Pumpkin Pie color.  You could try different combinations of colors to get a different effect.  Then cut the image out with the Oval framelit dies to add to the front of the card.

The card base is Crumb Cake with an additional layer of Crumb Cake that has been embossed with the Wood Grain Embossing Folder.  Adding Baker’s Twine, the branch underneath and the gold button finish off the card.

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Thanks for stopping in today.  Have you tried this technique?  It was one that they showed us at convention.
